Open Waters Podcast
This podcast is all about what God is doing in Utah through the church, and through the ministry of Open Waters Worship. If you don't know who we are, we are a worship ministry in the heart of Salt Lake City, Utah who's reason for being is JESUS. We want all people to have GROWTH, not only in relationship with our King, but with the people around us as well. We also want people to cultivate a deep and pure INTIMACY with God, and from that intimacy a FREEDOM to be who we are called to be; and to top it off we want the body of Christ to radiate UNITY. The body as a whole can accomplish so much more than one person alone. So we want to ask you, are you ready to join us in an effort to unify the body, and grow in relationship? Are you ready for what true intimacy with the King looks like? If so, come give us a listen! We'd love to hear your feedback as well. Tell us your thoughts and if you have a question feel free to reach out to us! We love you and pray for an overflowing in all avenues of your life <3
52: What Open Waters Is About

51: Navigating Truth and Faith in Uncertain Times

50: Spontaneous vs. Prophetic Worship

49: Discovering Your Worship Identity

48: Worship - The Art of Loving

47: Learning to Hear the Voice of God and the Importance of Failure

46: Knowing What We Do ~ The Seven Hebrew Words For Praise Pt. 4

45: Knowing What We Do ~ The Seven Hebrew Words For Praise Pt. 3

44: Knowing What We Do ~ The Seven Hebrew Words For Praise Pt. 2

43: Knowing What We Do ~ The Seven Hebrew Words For Praise Pt. 1

42: Diving Deeper Into Intimacy with Our Creator

41: The Heart of Worship: Embracing Intentionality

40: Escaping Boredom In Church Part 2 ~ 2 Special Guests

39: Escaping Boredom In Church Part 1 ~ 2 Special Guests

38: Harmonizing Our Hearts: The Importance of Unity in Worship

37: We Arn't Made To Keep Jesus To Ourself

36: Not Simply Cutting It Off, Throw It Away

35: The Desire For More Of Him ~ A Holy Dissatisfaction

34: What This Year Entails!

33: The Kingdom is at Hand

32: Power of Living a Consecrated Life

31: The Levite's Journey: Embracing Sacrificial Living for Deeper Worship

30: Thank You For The Gifts, But I Just Want You

29: Jesus the Divine Surgeon: A Journey into Healing with Music and Worship

28: Unraveling the Mysteries of God