Open Waters Podcast
This podcast is all about what God is doing in Utah through the church, and through the ministry of Open Waters Worship. If you don't know who we are, we are a worship ministry in the heart of Salt Lake City, Utah who's reason for being is JESUS. We want all people to have GROWTH, not only in relationship with our King, but with the people around us as well. We also want people to cultivate a deep and pure INTIMACY with God, and from that intimacy a FREEDOM to be who we are called to be; and to top it off we want the body of Christ to radiate UNITY. The body as a whole can accomplish so much more than one person alone. So we want to ask you, are you ready to join us in an effort to unify the body, and grow in relationship? Are you ready for what true intimacy with the King looks like? If so, come give us a listen! We'd love to hear your feedback as well. Tell us your thoughts and if you have a question feel free to reach out to us! We love you and pray for an overflowing in all avenues of your life <3
Open Waters Podcast
49: Discovering Your Worship Identity
What if recognizing your unique gifts could transform your worship experience? Join us as we unpack the concept of worship identity and calling in ministry. Explore how various types of worship leaders, from intercessors to those focused on inner healing, play distinct yet interconnected roles in creating a powerful worship atmosphere. Learn about the ancient Zadok priests and their modern-day parallels in service teams and media crews, all striving to prepare the church for heartfelt worship. We also delve into how your personal identity intersects with your worship role, allowing for a fluidity that can minister both to God and the congregation.
Discover how to align more closely with the Holy Spirit and better understand your God-given gifts in our discussion on Discovering Your Worship Identity. We'll guide you through practical steps for identifying your unique anointing, whether you're on stage or in the congregation, ensuring you contribute meaningfully to the worship experience. We touch upon the enduring relevance of Levitical priests and set the stage for insights from our upcoming guest speaker. Reflect on your worship identity with us and prepare to be inspired by this enriching and transformative conversation.
Open Waters Family,
Just wanted to say welcome, and thank you for joining us! We love you and hope you know that God loves you so so so much!
Here at Open Waters Worship ( OWW ) we long for an intimacy, and hunger for God. Where a people are hungry and fully in love with God, that is where revival happens. REVIVAL IS COMING!!!
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Thank you for being amazing and we pray blessings over you!
What's up everybody? Welcome to the 49th episode of the Open Waters Podcast.
Speaker 2:Craziness.
Speaker 1:Pretty nuts huh.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:So welcome. Hope you guys are doing well. Feel free to tell us how you're doing in the comments of this video podcast or whatever you're watching on or listening to. Also, spotify allows for videos now, which I was a little shocked about, about so.
Speaker 2:I had to upload videos on Spotify.
Speaker 1:Spotify no clue how that looks yet, but it'll be interesting Instead of YouTube. Well, we'll do both.
Speaker 2:We'll do both.
Speaker 1:Anyway, okay. So today, guys, we're gonna talk about our identity in worship.
Speaker 2:Oh, yep.
Speaker 1:I want to get your initial thoughts on that topic because I know we were talking about it before and you were like I don't know what. Yep, I want to get your initial thoughts on that topic because I know we were talking about it before and you were like I don't know what that means.
Speaker 2:I know, I asked you like 10 times, I'm just curious on what you think it means.
Speaker 2:Whoa. Well, according to what we talked about before we started rolling tape, you really talked about how each of us is gifted in a unique way to lead people into worship and to worship. So some of us might have a real heart and gift for interceding in worship. Some of us may have the more Judah tribe kind of high praise anointing, may have a more Davidical intercessory but more of the just laying myself at your feet kind of before the Lord anointing Some of us, you know, we bring the inner healing, like you talked about myself and Natalie, our worship leader. We bring an inner healing type of thing and breakthrough for people. So I think that's part of what you want to talk about A hundred percent. Hey, I heard you.
Speaker 1:You did listen. That's crazy. She was on her phone so sometimes I don't know, but I was looking up. She's looking stuff up, but I do want to say so, this identity for worship, where it's identity within worship, this is a part of your person, what makes you come alive in worship, like, even if you're not a part of the worship team, you're called to do something like this. Maybe during worship, you're called to go and administer healing to people while people are praying, like god. God has a call in your life within worship. I and I I'm kind of learning this just because um manuel has been giving me, like, some resources. One of the things he was teaching me about is called the zadok priests. I believe that's zadog or zadok priests, and is it zadok?
Speaker 1:with a k zadok, all right, excellent. And these priests are ones that essentially only minister to the lord, and that's what they're called to do, and somebody that I can see has that worship in that, in that calling, would be Wayne. Wayne could sit there and just minister to the Lord. He is a Zadok priest and minister and minstrel and he's that's what he's called to do. You can tell from how he plays, carries himself and worships the Lord.
Speaker 1:That's what he does yeah and so I'm trying to think about it in the sense of us, for people that may not or may. I think I would consider myself as a priest as well, because I could. I could sit down on my piano and play for the lord, and that's just fine for me. I actually prefer not to be in front of people because I just don't like being in front of people. Um, but some people, like Natalie or my mom, they're, they're called to, they were ministering to, like the people, like when Manuel was talking to me, he was talking about these priests. So they had the Zadok priest that would minister to the Lord and that's all they did. Then they had people that prepared the temples and stuff like that. And I would say that in today's church landscape, that would be like your people that are on the service, like the team, like the.
Speaker 2:The help teams, the guest relations, the children's ministers, also the media team the sound the sound production.
Speaker 1:They're preparing the temple for us to get everything ready for the presence of the Lord to come in To release the sound.
Speaker 1:Yeah. And then you have the people that minister to the people and to release the sound, yeah. And then you have the people that minister to the people, and I would say natalie and my mom both have a really strong gift and administering to the people because have very much like a breakthrough sound, a breakthrough um praise that you people can just grab on to and just get their breakthrough, and so is that kind of making sense.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, that makes a lot of sense, really cool yeah, and so I just want to talk about this, because maybe there's some people out there that never connected the dots about, like they have their identity personally, but they don't know about an identity in worship, because everybody is going to cross over these lines. It's just like not everybody's only going to be like a prophet, not everybody's going to just be a pastor.
Speaker 1:We're going to be mixing the fivefold right. You're going to be an evangelist at times. I'm going to be an evangelist at times, even though I know I'm a prophet normally.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:And so, at least I think so. I don't know. It's just like the Lord's given me gifts and I'm just going to use them right. And so, like in that, in worship, we're going to do different things. I'm going to give people that break. I'm going to minister to the people and then minister to God as well.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:I'm called to minister to God, but I'm also going to minister to people.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and I think there can be overlap too. Like I think you have strengths that you bring to the table that are consistent, and then I also think that there's in certain places, god will allow things to just kind of rise up in you and be that are needed for that place. So, for instance, while I tend to be more like a David, I also have this piece to me that's like Judah, that really wars as well. So it's kind of, and so those things can come out in different ways, and so I mean there's no, we're not giving hard and fast list of like a character or strengths assessment, but just I think the reason why this is important is because you can develop that web designer software person, I think the reason why this is important is because Maybe we should.
Speaker 1:You can develop that, I think, next Web designer software person.
Speaker 2:So why I think this is important for us to discuss is because I know that as I've grown. It's like anybody you grow in maturity as you get older. You should, unless you're stuck in a place of wounding, as in a childish place. There may be childish parts of your heart, but overall some people get really stuck in a childish place. But if you are maturing and you're allowing God to come in and help your soul prosper and heal, you become more adult-like. And the older you get, the more you start to really realize what your identity is. Now you can get to a place of stagnant and stuck.
Speaker 2:You don't even want to do that with your worship identity. You don't want to say I'm this way and I can't do anything else. No, there's always opportunity to grow and to receive more gifts from the Lord and to be influenced by the culture of the tribe that you're with or to be influenced by other streams that maybe come into your stream for a minute, like they come to your church and they minister, or you go visit places and you can pick up different things from them that you you really like. There's always opportunity to grow, but overall you should well more into your identity and become more comfortable in your identity, and part of the beauty of that is confidence. Part of the beauty of that is is knowing your lane, not trying to be like somebody else, and and understanding that we each have our important pieces that we bring to the table, and your piece is going to be the most important to you.
Speaker 2:And it's going to be so needed and it's not going to, it's going to be lacking and you have the person right next to you who has what you're lacking and we've talked about this, some of the unity pieces in earlier podcasts that is going to cause it to be such a beautiful, full rounded um worship experience and worshiping of the lord and ministering to the people and yeah ministering to the lord and you getting ministered to, so I think that's why it's important yeah, I also think it's important because we're not trying to be anybody else.
Speaker 1:you mentioned this briefly but we're not trying to be somebody else, right, right, I'm not trying to be anybody else. You mentioned this briefly, but we're not trying to be somebody else, right, right, I'm not trying to be you or I'm not trying to be Fresh Start Church.
Speaker 2:Because Fresh.
Speaker 1:Start Church. They are called to worship the Lord you can tell in the way they worship Right. And we're not trying to be them, we're trying to figure out. Okay, what are we? Who do we call to do? They're.
Speaker 2:Judah praisers praisers?
Speaker 1:are we david praisers? But we're trying to be judah praisers right I think there's times for both. Obviously, god's going to activate. You have to be in flow with the holy spirit and what you're doing, follow his lead because, yeah, when you're in in time with him, he's just going to lead you down the best path possible. It but it is good to know what your a god's given to you as a gift absolutely, and also what he's calling you to do um worship wise and so it makes all the difference.
Speaker 1:Um, yeah, I think we'll we'll have. My plan is that we're going to have a interview. Not an interview, I would say it's more just like a guest speaker on next next episode so that we can talk more about this, because he's more experienced than I am on this topic, but I would like to get his thoughts on it.
Speaker 2:Yes, I think too. I just want to say one more thing before I had to respond to something. One of the things that I think too, just on a more practical level as well, just on a more practical level as well is that when you know your identity like when I, I think one of the things that the Lord has graced me with is building people, and so you can tell on your team different anointings, like you can see them. If you look around, you can see, oh yeah, this person's anointed for this, this and this. So, as you're giving out songs, or when you're thinking of somebody, anybody can sing a song.
Speaker 2:But if you yourself sing a song or you give it to a person on the team, if you're part of that process, or when you're in worship and you know like manny releases something just because the nature of his instrument and because of the nature of what his identity and worship, and you just sense that this needs to be released. In this moment, when you become more aware of those things, it's like all the pieces come together and they're being highlighted and and it just is a beautiful uh, symphony really, because when Cherie sings a song, that is with her anointing and with her, her instrument side of her we've talked about this in a different way, then it's gonna be so much more powerful.
Speaker 2:And when she knows, then when you add the confidence of knowing that this is your identity and you're not comparing yourself or trying to be somebody else, then it flows so beautifully through you.
Speaker 1:It just goes along with knowing why you do what you do.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:And why you do what you do well too, Because it's like there's just some things we have. People call it talent, but I just believe it's God's anointing on it. Yeah, and it's like some people are really good at mouth. It's just God's anointing. It can be genetic, you know, but God's given, you know what I'm saying. Yeah, some people have natural.
Speaker 2:There's lots of people with natural gifting and that gift was always given from the Lord to glorify Him and even when it doesn't glorify Him, it glorifies Him. Even when it's not intended to glorify Him, there are times when it glorifies Him. But it's like any gift given from the Lord, whether it's prophetic or, you know, healing or singing, or it's a gift from the Lord to bring Him glory and to draw people's attention to Him.
Speaker 1:So as we, as we like, continue and kind of wrap this up. I just want to kind of give you like something to ponder for the next week until we have release the next episode with our guest speaker on this topic. And that is what? What kind of worshiping identity do you think you have? And I would, I would encourage you to put that in the the comments, or yeah, ask the lord really email us and yeah and also journal it, because I think it'd be.
Speaker 1:It would be really cool to see um what your vocation in worship is. And like it doesn't matter if you're on the stage or if you're on the worship team or if you're in the audience I don't even like calling them an audience, because it's like it's weird, because you guys should be participating just as much as us.
Speaker 2:Yeah, well, and I think some of the ways to figure it out is one, go to the Word.
Speaker 2:Two very important ask God and then go to the Word.
Speaker 2:I always look to the confirmation in the Word and then a lot of times He'll use in the mouths of two or three, he'll confirm a thing, and so, and then I also, so you can, you know, even ask others around you that you trust, that you know, love you and have you know, while imperfect, they have pure motives and so, and then the other thing is is to think about what, when you are singing or what when you're experiencing, just really speaks to you, like it, it almost overwhelms your soul, or you find it extremely gratifying or satisfying or fulfilling. I think there's just some ways when you can figure out, how you can figure out what your identity is in worship. And I would love Josiah to continue the conversation specifically about being what, what being a Levitical priest, worship priest, and I'm curious about what Manuel would say about other types of priests, but the Levitical priests, their purposes are, because I believe we are still tasked without the now we have access to Jesus, we still have our tasked with doing some of the things that the Levitical priests did.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so it's just Jesus became the high priest.
Speaker 2:guys, guys, yeah, so we're following him and we have access to God. We don't have to be afraid that we can't.
Speaker 1:You're going to be there, though, for this guest speaker.
Speaker 2:I hope so. Okay, is that it.
Speaker 1:It was a short one, that's it All right, talk to you later. We'll see you later.
Speaker 2:Bye.