Open Waters Podcast

52: What Open Waters Is About

Josiah Sanchez, Lisa Campbell Season 1 Episode 52

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What if worship gatherings could transcend the pressures of performance and become a haven for authentic connections with God? On this episode of Open Waters, we promise you'll discover how specialized worship events can lead to spiritual rejuvenation, offering a transformative path akin to advancing one's career by refining specialized skills. We delve into our renewed mission, inspired by a divine recalibration, to create spaces where worship leaders and participants alike can find rest and renewal. Our goal is to nurture a community grounded in pure worship, equipping members to carry this spirit of unity and freshness into their broader lives.

As we embrace this new direction, we're thrilled to share important updates about our monthly gatherings. Starting in December 2024, mark your calendars for 6 pm on the first Saturday of each month, but don't forget our November session remains at 2 pm. Your participation is the heartbeat of our community, and we are grateful for your continued support as we embark on this journey together. Join us in embracing these changes, and let's make these gatherings an opportunity to rest, refuel, and connect deeply with one another.

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Here at Open Waters Worship ( OWW ) we long for an intimacy, and hunger for God. Where a people are hungry and fully in love with God, that is where revival happens. REVIVAL IS COMING!!!

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Thank you for being amazing and we pray blessings over you!


What is going on Open Waters people? Welcome to the Open Waters podcast.


Yay, feels like we haven't done this for a long time.


We have not. It's been a little bit, and that's because of a recalibration that the Lord is doing in Open Waters. He's kind of given us a new goal and it's good.


Yeah, I mean, we kind of spent the last year working with some different vision of outreach and then just kind of removing things around to try to see what works best. And so we're kind of reevaluating all of that and making some changes, right.


Yeah, we're just wanting to follow what the Lord's doing and we don't want to be, we don't want to beat the same drum everybody else is beating, just because it's the drum that everybody else is beating.




Or because it's a drum that works right.




We want to beat something that God's given to us. We want to beat the drum that God's given to us, and so Open Waters just had a little bit of retargeting. Like I said, we're going to be very much focused on worshipers, like that's the entire reason we're here is to focus on worship and worshipers, and so open waters. What are you going to say?


No, no go ahead.


Yeah, we're just going to say so. Open waters, worship nights are open for everybody, but now it's going to have more of a focus on worship nights for worshipers, and that is you were going to say something.


Sorry, I was just waiting, okay. So no, I was. I was thinking you did such a great definition of this at the last Open Waters, so I'm hoping that that's maybe what you're leading into.


I was just going to say. I just want a place where worshipers can come together. Like I said, it's just a worship event for worshipers. Do you remember how I put it then?


No, that's what you kind of said, and just a place where worshipers can come without having to be on a stage to be on a stage, yeah, or it's just where they get to just worship and be a part of that worshiping without being on a stage or without necessarily leading, being the leader, and that kind of a thing. And I just thought that was like a place of rest for worshipers. But it doesn't mean that there's not going to be.


We want a place for worshipers to use their gift and to be the worship leader they're called to be, but not have to be on a stage and have to feel like they're always pouring out everything they have. Right Um, we're still pouring out worship to the Lord, but it doesn't have.


It's more of a place for worship leader to be refreshed and renewed, but to still worship the Lord, Right Um, and it, yeah, it's a worship night for worshipers, but it's open to everybody, and so um, I know we kind of had a plan to go here with with the podcast, but I'm I'm kind of wondering if maybe in this podcast you should maybe expound more on why you were feeling cause this kind of mostly came from you. Why, why? What prompted this? Why did you decide to do this?


The reason we I switched this and it's just because of the Lord was kind of giving to me that we needed to specialize. It's kind of like the way I think about it is once someone gets to a certain level in their career, they got to start specializing. You got to go into management or you got to become more specialized in your field, like a plumber doesn't just stay a plumber. He either becomes a master plumber or a journeyman plumber and then becomes a or becomes a general contractor, right, and so there's got to be levels, and so I think there's so many worship nights that happen around the this, the state, in the city.


Yeah, it's time yeah.


And it's it's time for us to specialize and to give people a more targeted goal and to become more of a sharpened spearhead.


So tell me why you think that worshipers need a place like this to go to Like other than right. We're finding what the purpose of what Open Waters is, but why do you feel like this is a need that worshipers have worship leaders, that kind of a thing?


Well, I think there's a lot of the times when we get together for worship nights. It's to put on I don't want to say a performance, because that's not it, but sometimes it really is a performance. I want to give a place where worship leaders can just be authentic with the Lord and with each other and then that way they don't have to feel like they're on a platform like you said like a stage.


I don't want people to feel like, or worship leaders to feel like they have to be perfect, but they can still just come and worship the Lord, because I think a lot of the not even a lot of the time I know as a worshiper we get stuck into the worship in the performance side of things because we're playing in front of people right. But when we come together worship night for worshipers it's more. We're just coming here for the Lord and I think it also sets a precedence in worshipers that we're here for the Lord. We're not here to play in front of people, we're not here to impress people. We're here to truly just go after God.


So your hope is that those that attend will get some rest and refilling, some refueling.




Maybe just a quiet space, or just you know what I think I'm thinking of it in these terms, of the last one that we did, where you announced this, and it kind of shifted my focus for the night mentally and I just I felt like the gifts were an operation there, but it was. So maybe it's also part of coming together as worshipers and really getting in tune with partnering with what God is doing in a unified way.


And then, of course, we're all going to leave there and we are going to be in settings where we're going to be leading worship and whatever capacity that is, and we've set aside this place and we've come into unity with other believers, so we've created that space and place of just being able to connect with God in a unified setting where we can be ministered to and we can minister, but then we're getting new vision and getting downloads from heaven and and then it's kind of like collective. It's like anytime you bring the body of christ together it's collective.


The gifts are flowing, people with different perspectives yeah and then you're all going to carry pieces or the whole of that vision and bring it to your sphere of influence.


Yeah, 100, yeah, there's there's a type of priest that Manuel likes to talk about, and it's the Zadok priest, and these are the priests that pretty much every so there's a Zadok priest of the tribe of Levi, and that is those people that were the Zadok priest, they would go and they would only minister to the Lord. So if there was a need around the temple or the tent of gathering or whatever, they would pretty much say you go, do that, we're going to go minister to the Lord, that's our job is to minister to the Lord 24-7.


And so the worship night for worshipers is what we're calling it.


open water worship nights is pretty much where the Zadok priests get to meet and we get to minister to the Lord with our gifts and we don't have to minister to the people, because I think a lot of the time the the priests right now, especially in the modern church, yeah, are the Levites, are having to minister to the people, minister to the church, minister to the Lord at the same time, right, and we're doing all that, but this is where we just get to truly just be Zadok priest and we get to minister to the Lord alone.


Um, there's a couple of other things that we want to incorporate in the worship nights as well, and that's just intercessory prayer, which is one of the things that I think gets missed a lot in worship nights. We kind of get a focus on the worship, the music aspect and the, the spontaneous and the prophetic. It's all great, but I think you know the Lord is really when some God says to start praying for something, we just need to go after it because there can be a shift in that, that aspect. Um, I just remember this last week we had um, we, we prayed and we intercessed for the pretty much like the song of men to come back. I think a lot of men feel like they can't praise the lord, that was good um with their, with their mouths and their lips their.


Uh, god gave me an image of someone with like a guy with their lips locked together with like a lock on them so they couldn't speak or like sing or anything, and God's just going to men and unlocking that guy. And so we just prayed into that, and so I think we're ministering to the Lord, we're going into the courts of the Lord to pray for people. I mean pray for whatever he puts on our heart, and it's just that time of.


Yeah, to partner with what's on his heart. Yeah, exactly To release that on earth.


Yeah, exactly, and so.


It's really good.


It's good, and so the whole reshifting also is affecting the podcast, in that this is going to be for worshipers, worship leaders, people that are called to. They know that they're part of the tribe of Levites.


Josiah, do you think that includes people who are only on stage or people who are flagging or dancing, even if they're in the room? Or is it also worshipers that are not necessarily on stage but they do lead in their worship from the congregation?


Hmm, that's a good question. I'll probably have to pray about it a little bit to get you more specific, but it's open to everybody. These worship nights are not. We're not going to say you're not allowed to come, right, this is not an exclusivity thing. Everybody's going to be able to come and worship alongside us. But we do want this to be a focus on worshipers in the sense of you're on a production team or you're using the gift you are, have a gift that is to serve the lord um in the sense of like music, flags, um painters painters, are any of the art forms, I would say even sound technicians and camera people.


Those people are also worshipers in the sense that they they do the work of ministry through their art, which is the camera, the sound board. All that stuff is necessary as well, um, and I think it's gonna be good. But, yeah, I think we'll have to pray about a little more, to get a little bit more targeted. But yeah, yeah, okay and this is not a final product either.


So this is still an evolving thing that God's going to help us do, and so pretty much the vision is just to raise up worship leaders and to help us get closer to God.


Yeah, and I think it's also going to have an effect of unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace and us serving one God and Father of us all walking away with some pretty cool unified but diverse insights from the Lord and releasing that, yeah. So I think it's a shift of you know, really the focus is not ministering to the people in the room, the focus is ministering to.


God. Of course people are going to be blessed by worshiping the Lord, because you cannot be in the presence of God and not be blessed. It's just, it's home, it's wholeness.


We're happy to host people, but we really want to minister to God above all else, because I think that's what's lost in church is that we can say that we're ministering to somebody, or we're ministering to the Lord, but in the back of our minds, and the reason we're in front of the people on the stage is because we're also ministering to those people. Right, and so we want, like I said, we want to make a place where we can just minister to the Lord and be those Zadok priests that God's called us to be so good.


So that's guys.


And we hope you guys, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us and put them in the comments Emails at openwaterworship at gmailcom. Openwaterworship at gmailcom because we missed the S. That was me, I did miss the S, but we would like to hear your questions and if you have any questions on worship, please let us know, because we would like to get something to discuss that you guys are interested in.


So yeah, let us know. And are we changing the day and the time?


so the time will be for open waters worship the worship night for worshipers starting in november starting in november is going to be. No, no, no december, sorry december sorry, in december we will start at 6 pm okay on On Saturdays. Saturday, the very first Saturday of the month, 6 pm, 6 pm. Okay, all right, and that is it.


But in November the first Saturday is going to still be at 2 pm.


Yep. So, whenever you're seeing this, if it's after December 2024, it's at Saturday, the very first Saturday of every month, at 6 pm. Got it I think and we love you guys, take care, we love you.





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