Open Waters Podcast
This podcast is all about what God is doing in Utah through the church, and through the ministry of Open Waters Worship. If you don't know who we are, we are a worship ministry in the heart of Salt Lake City, Utah who's reason for being is JESUS. We want all people to have GROWTH, not only in relationship with our King, but with the people around us as well. We also want people to cultivate a deep and pure INTIMACY with God, and from that intimacy a FREEDOM to be who we are called to be; and to top it off we want the body of Christ to radiate UNITY. The body as a whole can accomplish so much more than one person alone. So we want to ask you, are you ready to join us in an effort to unify the body, and grow in relationship? Are you ready for what true intimacy with the King looks like? If so, come give us a listen! We'd love to hear your feedback as well. Tell us your thoughts and if you have a question feel free to reach out to us! We love you and pray for an overflowing in all avenues of your life <3
Open Waters Podcast
50: Spontaneous vs. Prophetic Worship
Ever wondered about the dynamic world of worship and how it can transform your spiritual journey? Tune in to our milestone 50th episode where we're joined by Manny from the Worshiping Musician School. Together, we reflect on our incredible journey, sharing profound insights into the essence of worship, the importance of activation, and the critical need for believers to move beyond passivity. Manny sheds light on how active engagement within the body of Christ can lead to a more fulfilling and impactful faith experience.
In this special episode, we unravel the fascinating distinctions between spontaneous worship and prophetic worship. Imagine the creative flow of jazz improvisation—that’s what spontaneous worship is like. Manny and I discuss how this unrehearsed, responsive form of worship allows worshippers to connect deeply with the Holy Spirit, transforming worship experiences. Through real-life examples and scriptural insights, we emphasize how spontaneous worship can bring peace and healing, enhancing the overall congregational engagement.
Prophetic worship, on the other hand, is more intentional and specific, often involving direct messages or revelations from God. We dive into its scriptural foundations, highlighting the importance of spiritual authority and discernment. Manny’s poignant explanations and heartfelt prayers for musicians and worship leaders provide a comprehensive understanding of how prophetic and spontaneous worship can coexist. This enriching conversation is aimed at fostering deeper connections with God and enriching faith communities through thoughtful, scripture-aligned worship practices. Don’t miss out on this transformative discussion!
Open Waters Family,
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Here at Open Waters Worship ( OWW ) we long for an intimacy, and hunger for God. Where a people are hungry and fully in love with God, that is where revival happens. REVIVAL IS COMING!!!
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Thank you for being amazing and we pray blessings over you!
so I don't know all righty. Well, we'll go ahead and get started then. Yeah, man, uh, welcome to the open waters podcast episode. I believe 50, uh, so 50, 50 episodes, dude. It's pretty cool, huh. It's been a long time coming, man. It's been uh it's been awesome.
Speaker 2:It's been one of those, those journeys. You know it's a journey yeah, it's been just sorry.
Speaker 1:I have something in my eye, oh yeah, we're outside right now we are.
Speaker 2:We're hanging out outside at a cafe.
Speaker 1:No, it's been a great time getting here. A lot's been learned um, just in regards to worship, but also in like terminology, and you've been one of the people that have kind of helped help holster that new vocabulary and different things that God's been teaching me, kind of giving me points to. Oh, you should look this up or research this. It's been awesome. You're actually the main reason we did the seven words for praise.
Speaker 2:I was going to say I really love that series you guys did on the uh, on the seven hebrew words of praise. That that was.
Speaker 1:That was beautiful it was a good time, well done, oh thanks yeah, I mean, you know praise the lord so it was really good. Yeah, well, as you can hear, we have our special guest, manny, on here from the worshiping musician school worshiping musician podcast. Come on, go check him out. He is linked on practically every podcast episode, so feel free to make sure you check him out, because he's got some very holy spirit inspired content on there.
Speaker 2:So make sure you check him out, man make sure you follow both open waters and uh and uh follow both, both of our podcasts, you know. Excuse me, because I think there's a wealth of information. There's a wealth of truth. Yeah, I think people are looking for truth, josiah.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah.
Speaker 2:Looking for truth and they want to see truth. They want to see truth in action. They want to see it actually activated, like we were talking about earlier, a hundred percent.
Speaker 1:You know they don't just want to be passive anymore. People are. We're in a season of uh, activation and actual action. Yeah, not just being passive anymore. The body of christ is getting ready to hit this. It's like being in neutral.
Speaker 2:We're gonna finally hit gear one on a car, you know yeah, it's interesting you say that because the word activation comes from the word action, which which means do something, like go for it, and so when you're in neutral, you hear the noise but it's not moving anywhere. Hello, somebody. But once you put it on, drive, then you're moving forward. Or if you put it in reverse and you're moving back, okay, but do something. Verse and you're moving back. Okay, but do something.
Speaker 2:You know, yeah, put it at somewhere where it would be, you know, in the activation and what, yeah, the lord wants to do in your ministry.
Speaker 1:Totally your gift, you know yeah that's good, that's good, I love that, so you mentioned to me, uh uh, josiah, about what's the difference between spontaneous and prophetic worship.
Speaker 2:We're going to be going talking about this a little bit.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's good. I asked you a while ago about this question because I was it's interesting, you asked, you told me that you kind of just put it up as like a point and I was like what? Because you're like, you asked me what's the difference between spontaneous and prophetic. I was like, being a worshiper, we're kind of used to using those in the same place. We think it's the exact same thing where it's like spontaneous is prophetic, prophetic is spontaneous, right, and that's not necessarily the case.
Speaker 2:It's not necessarily the case all the time. That's exactly right. You know, in Christian worship there's many expressions and there's many styles that they express their connection with God. You know they express themselves through prophetic and spontaneous. But the two expressions arise a concern for the contemporary worship setting as far as the spontaneous and the prophetic worship, which they may be similar at first, like you said earlier, at a glance at it you know in each whole unique characteristic Both of them, and so they serve different purposes within the worship experience. I think that's what we need to understand.
Speaker 2:So prophetic, or should I say spontaneous worship refers to the moment during a worship service where the music or the lyrics are created in the moment, much like improvisation, like jazz Totally. If you listen to jazz and you listen to jazz musicians, they go out there and they play a tune and then solo. That's spontaneous, that is done, you know. And some they say off the cuff yeah, you know what I mean. It mean it's just like boom, it's done. So spontaneous worship, it's real similar to that. Uh, uh, it's not, it's not, it's not pre-planned or even rehearsed yeah, it's an unrehearsed song.
Speaker 1:It's uh, it's one of the different types of worship. It's like something you did not prepare you didn't prepare.
Speaker 2:Like every we've been in a worship service like today. We were earlier, and when we were rehearsing I played certain things and then, when the actual service came, I didn't play any of those. I don't know about you.
Speaker 1:There's a lot of stuff that came out today that was just not planned at all.
Speaker 2:Not at all. Dude Right, it was like okay, and then it got to the point like where do we go now?
Speaker 1:It's like yeah, 100%. We were kind of searching.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and that's good, because then you're pushing the envelope. You're pushing to press in to the presence of God. So, number one, one of the things about spontaneous worship is that we must be creative, and it is expressive, like I expressed this morning. And so spontaneous worship allows for a creativity outflow of worship that is not confined or pre-written. Worship leaders may feel led to sing a new melody or even a new lyric that comes from the mind in the moment. That's another way that you could put it in the mind, because the jazzer is mind in the moment. That's another way that you could put it in the mind, because the jazz, the jazzer, is thinking in the mind. I'm playing the key of C. These are the chords C, e, g. Let's just say I'm going to make it simple yeah, yeah. So they're thinking about the chords of C and the chords of E and the chords of G, and then, all of a sudden, the keyboard player goes into a minor key, oh man.
Speaker 2:And then you're like G minor. What are those notes? You know what I mean. So we have to think in the mind, in the moment, what to express and how to do what we've called to do.
Speaker 1:So it's kind of it's a responsive atmosphere. Yeah, that's good, I I think kind of what I'm getting from what you're saying is it's a lot more uh, creativity on the side of our musical talent and skills, where we're spontaneous as we're incorporating uh what the lord's given us in the sense of our talents and our skills right, and some things too.
Speaker 2:In both the spontaneous and the prophetic worship there must be incorporated some scriptural reading, even if it's just you don't have to read the whole thing, for God, so loved that's it, because some people don't know that they're loved.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Hello.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:You know they might have had a bad relationship with their mom or dad. Yeah, at work, a friendship, and it just, it just blew up. You know what I mean. So we need to learn and know how to be responsive in the atmosphere. So it raises a response that we respond to the Holy Spirit, that we respond to the Holy Spirit. That's what I'm trying to understand. Is that, in the atmosphere, that we're responding to the Holy Spirit leading during the worship service or wherever it is that God might have you Totally.
Speaker 1:So it's working with the Holy Spirit.
Speaker 2:It's kind of our response to what the Holy Spirit is giving us you know, about a month ago I was at Rescue Mission and during the service that we were playing and we were sharing with the homeless people there at the Rescue Mission, well, a guy started having a seizure and they thought that he might have had a minor heart attack. And immediately the Holy Spirit said pick up your horn. And I picked up my horn and I started to play. And then people were like, and this guy was, you know, having a seizure, and I'm going like, oh, what's going on, lord? And the Lord said I'm about to do something here. And all of a sudden, you know what's going on, lord, and the Lord said I'm about to do something here and all of a sudden, you know, everything of course started getting out of control a little bit, but then they got it under control and eventually, you know, I just kept on playing.
Speaker 2:I was playing a melody and then all of a sudden, you know, the guy was all. He finally recovered and then we were talking with the people and he said thank you for playing. This guy's having a seizure. And he says thank you for playing. That's crazy, yeah, like how did he get that in his conscious mind when he's going through that? It was because the spirit I was responding not negatively but positively that in my sound, god will bring a healing and peace to that man. And then Jeff started to just pray, you know, and it was so. That's what I call. My third point is that it's it's a congregational engagement. In other words, the people that were around this guy having this seizure were reacting to what was going on.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:But it was in the form of worship and they acted fast yeah, they acted.
Speaker 1:Yes, that's crazy, that's awesome, yeah, yeah, that's awesome that just responding to the Lord when he gives you something so spontaneous. I'm just going to kind of give like a recap of what we kind of gone over. It's just like we're using our talents, what God's given us, in response to what he's giving us in our spirit, and kind of responding through our musical instruments and voices or just our worship.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and it's really. It's an unplanned experience that we have to be willing to engage in to be able to allow the Lord to flow through us. Can I just add one more thing to that? It's also just be present.
Speaker 1:You can't do something or respond if you're not present. So don't just start playing your chords and just kind of go turn on autopilot when you're doing worship, because when, if you really want to unlock it like a spontaneous worship um or an unplanned sound, yeah be present in the moment and be in tandem with the holy spirit, instead of having the holy spirit doing his own thing, while you're just sitting here, free falling by yourself.
Speaker 2:Well, you know, right, there is for the holy spirit. I honestly, honestly believe this. He's responded right. He's there. Yeah. Then he's saying okay, what are you gonna do?
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:What are you gonna do? Remember it's in Psalms. It says I will bless the works of your hands. Yep. So with that, most instruments are played with hands.
Speaker 1:Hello bass drums, trumpet I'm pretty sure every instrument requires hands, at least a little bit Right so he said he will bless the works of our hands.
Speaker 2:And then another translation says I will publish. It says publish the works of your hands, you know? So, yeah, so we get rid of the, the response to just say okay, holy, holy Spirit, just come. It's like we're dreaming. Yeah, does that make sense. Oh, this is just a dream and it's beautiful. Okay, yeah, but where are you going? Give it content, give it some kind of backbone?
Speaker 1:I guess you could say yeah, I think people expect the Holy Spirit to just play your instrument for you, and you know what I'm saying. It's like Lord gave you creativity for a reason. Right, he's not baking a cake for us. He's helping us bake the cake with Him.
Speaker 2:Right. I said this last week in one of my classes. I said what do musicians learn? They learn in school. They learn music theory. They learn you know how to improv. They learn in a school. They learn music theory, they learn improv, they learn songs. They learn in a school. That's why we have the school of prophets, that's why we have the school of music. When David was around, david even made the instruments for the house. That's cool.
Speaker 2:That's another topic that's powerful when you think about it. David created instruments for the house of the Lord.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, feel free to go on to your next point. Sorry to keep you here for so long, but I just you know, it's just super cool. It's just awesome to be revealing these things. It's super awesome.
Speaker 2:Prophetic worship, on the other hand, is a form of worship where the worship is directly connected to the divine in the presence of the Lord. That's where we are inspired with a specific message, with revelation. You know it says in Revelation 4, remember I was saying earlier. It said that I heard a voice calling me and it sounded like a trumpet.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Uh-oh. So I wonder if the trumpet had a mute or what I don't know, but I don't think so. I think it was loud and he was hitting him come up here. Yeah, so it's a revelation message that God will give you.
Speaker 1:That's my first point would this include people saying like the Lord's revealing, like, in this time, lord's healing people? Would that be prophetic or spontaneous?
Speaker 2:that.
Speaker 2:That's a good question. It could that. Right, there is a word of knowledge. That's not being prophetic, that's not being spontaneous. God will give you a word of knowledge to say God's going to bring healing in this section. Somebody needs healing. That's just a word of knowledge. Somebody will get it and they'll be like that's me, because I just went to the doctor.
Speaker 2:The report was bad. You're not being prophetic, you're not flowing prophetically, you're not flowing spontaneously. Yeah, it could be part of both. Yes, yeah, but it's a word of knowledge in the prophetic as a message to the body, to the house, totally to the meeting, to whatever it is that you're at in a prayer meeting, whatever it is god will give you to exhort and to comfort that what is because that's what prophetic is yeah is to bring something of exhortation, you know, yeah, so it talks about that in first Corinthians 14, 3. So it talks where it that the prophetic is aligned with a congregation, with a biblical purpose, with a biblical purpose, and so when we have biblical worship, as opposed to what we think it is let's go to the text.
Speaker 2:The Bible In Latin. The Bible, it means the text, means the book. Okay, the book. Yeah, it's the book. You know what I mean. So another thing about prophetic worship is that you're given spiritual authority. So it's not a word of knowledge, so you're given spiritual authority to recognize that gift of prophecy and be sensitive to hearing the voice of God. Hearing it gives you an authority. He says, okay, now, speak it. Now, like earlier, the Lord gave me Isaiah 55. And I was like, lord, is it for me to release it now?
Speaker 2:or is it for later. And the Lord said no, just wait on it, Just sit on it. I said okay, Unless you wanted me to say it. Then the leader then will come and say you got something? Boom, I do, Boom, I do, Boom, deliver it. Yeah. But if you don't have anything, you know and you're called upon that's where the scripture says be ready in season and out of season. So if you're out of season, that means that God will challenge you. At that point, when you're not reading your word, when you're not fasting, when you're not praying, you become out of season and then, at that point, the Lord will bring.
Speaker 2:It's a challenge yeah and then you're like, oh snap, I'm not ready. I'm not ready, I'm getting a rebuke right from the Lord, not from the person. Don't look at the person, you know, I mean. And so, yeah, a lot of times, what what's prophetic is? It's, it's, it's unspontaneous worship. Yes, is, but it's more personal where he gives us direction. In other words, you said you used a good word intentional. When you're prophetic, you have to be intentional. In other words, I could be playing, I could turn around and say prophesy on the piano, prophesy on the cymbals. I'm being specific. I'm not saying prophesy on the toms or the drums.
Speaker 2:If I say drums, it means everything, but if I'm being specific, I say prophesy on the cymbals reins. Yeah, the footsteps of God, the bass drum, the floor tom, totally Boom, boom, boom Because there's two different tones, the bass drum and the floor tom.
Speaker 1:I see this as like a instead of walking, like. Spontaneous worship can be prophetic worship as well, but prophetic worship is not always spontaneous worship. Right, this is very much like God holding your hand and showing you where you're going to go. That's it. That's good, Spontaneous worship. I see as the Lord walking with you. Does that make sense?
Speaker 2:Right, would that be a correct statement.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Exactly yes, because he's giving you direction and it's biblically foundational. So if he says, look at Psalms 150, praise him with the sound of the trumpet, he's being specific. Praise him with the sound and the harp. You know what I mean. So he's being specific. Praise him with the dance he's being specific. Praise Him with the sound and the harp. You know what I mean. So he's being specific. Praise Him with the dance. He's being specific giving instructions. That's prophetic, yeah.
Speaker 1:And I just want to preface this as well. So if you feel like the Lord is telling you to do something like there was a Sunday where the Lord was like I was called up to play piano after like a sermon and I had no clue what to play and so I just asked the Holy Spirit what do you want me to play? You know you can do that. Don't feel like you can ask him where to go. Don't feel like, if you aren't hearing him right now, he's not speaking. Sometimes you have to ask for it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I do want to say this real quick, that both spontaneous and prophetic worship can occur in every service. That's very possible. Another thing about prophetic worship, it's the presence of God. Yep, it's that God is present because he's giving you revelation. Anyway, that's not in my notes. Yep, it's that God is present because he's giving you revelation. Anyway, that's not in my notes. But we tend to lean more on one or the other, either spontaneous, agreed.
Speaker 1:Or prophetic. If it's a spontaneous worship set, a lot of people say we're going to stick with the spontaneous.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and that can be dangerous because then we could be misled 100% Because we're intending to do me than him.
Speaker 1:We're bringing our plan, we're baking our own cake at this point.
Speaker 2:Yeah, exactly, and so we have to practice both 100%. See, now, here's the practice of God's presence is that we have to learn to practice both prophetic and spontaneous, so that we know where we're at, where we can gauge okay, right here we could flow prophetically, right here we could move spontaneously. So we got to find out the guys that have the gift to move in those areas, because sometimes some guys they just play rhythm the whole time. It's like when do you break it down, dude? Well, I don't know how to solo. Then you need to break down your rhythm I'm talking about guitar and allow someone space to give some space that's it right there.
Speaker 2:You know, yeah, you're just playing space and making space for other instruments to insert, yeah, something spontaneous or prophetic, 100, 100%, so. But a lot of times we just we show you it all the way.
Speaker 1:It's like it's awesome, but like the Lord is going to move there. I think you know, as long as it's a sacrifice, praise, the Lord's going to receive it. But this is all coming from like we want to worship the Lord to the best of our ability. We're giving you tools. Don't just keep them in your hand to not use them, and you know both spontaneous and prophetic worship are powerful.
Speaker 2:Yeah, in its own lane, it's in its own style expression, yeah, okay, they're both powerful. We just have to learn and understand the difference between both. Am I going to flow prophetically? Then God give me direction. Am I going to flow prophetically? Then God give me direction.
Speaker 2:If I'm going to flow spontaneous, then okay, I have a lyric, I'm going to sing it. I have a melody I'm going to play, like today was there's many melodies at the gates, so there's many melodies that the Lord wants to play through you, yeah, through you. Listen, he wants to listen to your melody, but be spontaneous and just do it. You'll be surprised that when you do your melody, that the other person that's playing the other instrument will respond to that melody, either harmonically or, you know, like in a chord or something, or respond to it. It's a call and response. You say A, I say B. I say B, you say C. It's a response, so that's spontaneous. You know what I mean. So don't be afraid to release it by faith.
Speaker 2:That's the thing about flowing out prophetically is that you got to step out by faith. God gives you something, ask God to release it, and then God says step out. If he says no, then no, it's no, just wait, but don't be chicken. God didn't give me no chicken anointing, agreed. He gave me an eagle anointing for me to fly and for me to activate in me and through others to be able to for them to move in that realm. But we have too much chicken anointing. Yeah, I don't know what your title is going to be, but we don't have no chicken anointing. Don't have no chicken anointing.
Speaker 1:I like, chicken I like being a good fried chicken, but no that's something totally different.
Speaker 2:We tend to lean on that kind of anointing than to lean on the anointing that comes from an ego, like from the most high. It's all about the oil. It's all about the oil. And when the oil is poured remember when David was anointed king the first time they used oil it's all about the oil.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And so when the oil is poured, then David's just like okay, what do I do now, man, I'm cool, I'm anointed, okay, what do I do? He went back to serve the Lord in the field and then he was anointed again and this time he was in. But anyway, that's another story, that's another subject. But when we get that oil, what do we do? Yeah, Just saying.
Speaker 1:That's awesome. Well, do you just want to like quickly go through those points really quick again, like remind us what spontaneous worship is?
Speaker 2:just briefly so spontaneous worship. So spontaneous worship, briefly, that we could flow creatively and expressively respond to the atmosphere. It's also congregational engagement. We also need to learn and flow, and when I say flow, I mean how do we make transition that's spontaneous, like, how do we, how do we get from playing something spontaneous or singing something spontaneous? You're doing it right there, on the spot. Basically, spontaneous is you're doing it on the spot.
Speaker 1:No, rehearsal yeah, this is an unrehearsed thing. This is this is not planned.
Speaker 2:Yeah, if it's planned, then it's not spontaneous like I think today earlier, uh, in one in one of the points I didn't have Paul's talk back up and then I realized I had it down so I put it up. And then one time I heard him say Manuel solo, and I was like that was spontaneous, we didn't rehearse that.
Speaker 1:No.
Speaker 2:Because I wasn't supposed to. I was like, okay, yeah, I come in right here Instrumental, so I hear solo.
Speaker 2:yeah, that's what I hear, or improv, or whatever you want to call it, yeah, totally and, of course, prophetic worship is, is a revelation, it's a message yeah, uh, god can give you spiritual authority to run with that, uh, and be intentional. Be intentional, you know a directional and being being biblical. So prophetic worship is simply the presence of God. It's simply what he wants to do in prophetic worship. Yeah, in other words, he's present. We do what he says.
Speaker 1:He's the leader, he's the commander-in-chief, yeah, you can correct me if I'm wrong, but this is kind of the way I put them, just like in really easy, practical words, just like spontaneous. Is us baking a cake with the Lord? Wow, or put this way, actually, because then I can use similar Spontaneous worship. Is us walking alongside the Lord, like we're taking a walk together? Yeah, then prophetic is where the Lord is leading us. He's taking our hand and he's like we're going this way. Yeah, then prophetic is where the Lord is leading us.
Speaker 1:He's taking our hand and he's like we're going this way, yeah, and so, yeah, it's super good. We just, these are things like we definitely need to learn and I think even for myself I need to holster down and to take some lessons on spontaneous prophetic, Because I think a lot of the time we classify both as the same thing.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and it's not and it's something. There's really more to it. But really, after this, really really what it is is, like you said, it's hands on. Yeah, you know, and we need to stop and talk about it. Like, okay, am I going to flow prophetically or am I going to move spontaneously?
Speaker 1:I want to sing something During practices, at New Creation at least, when we're doing practice, there'll be times of spontaneous worship. There is sometimes where it's prophetic worship too, but what we need to do is we need to call it out and teach, because not everybody knows, and talk about it. Yeah, there's not vocabulary on the team. Not everybody knows what it is, and I think so when you do encounter those times within worship, take the time to actually recognize it and to vocalize it, because then you're at least putting the vocabulary to the action.
Speaker 2:Actually putting the icing on the cake. Yeah, I mean, you know, either way, a hundred percent.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and so it's important to know what you're doing, because when you know what you're doing, it just allows you to do it with more power and to actually walk with the Lord. Oh Lord, you're wanting to be prophetic right now? Yeah, let's be prophetic. You're speaking something?
Speaker 2:Yes, this is the message. Where's the transition? Yep, so is the transition spontaneous or is it prophetic? Yeah, and why is it? Do you have a scripture? You don't? Yeah, it's okay if you don't. You know what I mean, but it's not okay that, if you don't, that it doesn't line up with the word.
Speaker 1:Yeah, everything is like prophetic. We actually talked about this at church today. It's like if someone's going to be in the prophetic role, like they're their quote unquote prophet, that's the fivefold ministry gift they roll in. We're going to test what they say with the word. We're not going to just trust that everything is correct, because we're human, we fail Right. But also it's important to test everything with the Word, because the Word is our foundation.
Speaker 2:Amen.
Speaker 1:That's good. All right, that's so good. Do you want to just pray really quick before?
Speaker 2:we just so, lord, we just thank you, we just bless your holy name. Lord, we ask you that you move through this podcast. We ask you to move through this message, lord, that we could understand more about what you want to do through us, to us as musicians, as minstrels, as psalmists, as singers.
Speaker 2:Not one or the other is greater, but the one that is greater is the one that is with him. He said he who serves me is the greatest. So we're not trying to be on the right or the left, we just want to be with you, Lord. We ask you that you continue to lead us and bless us, Lord, with your word and with your direction. In Jesus' mighty name, I thank you, Lord.
Speaker 1:Yeah, god. We just thank you, lord, for this knowledge that Manuel's given us. God, we just pray that you'd bless him, give him more knowledge and more wisdom. God, we just pray for knowledge, not just knowledge that he just uses, but make it into wisdom where it's practical and activated. God, we just thank you for the gift of Manuel, god that he's just such an advocate. He represents you and he walks and talks. God, but and just want to thank you for him, lord, thank you for this day, thank you for the visitors and the listeners. God, amen, in Jesus name.